About the Information Sheets

Sheet 1 - How to read a water meter

This sheet shows pupils how to read a typical water meter and, most importantly, it shows the pupils the value of the numbers on the dials.

Sheet 2 - How the water meter works

Although there are several different types of water meter, this type is easily understood by the pupils. Water spins a 'propeller' which turns the numbers on the dials.

Sheet 3 - How much water?

Linked to Activity Sheet 3 - 'How much water?'

A realistic and up-to-date chart showing how much water is used by a range of water-consuming items.

Sheet 4 - Where does the money come from?

A 'questioning' information sheet to make the children think about where the money comes from to pay for the water, and other things, in the school. The answer at the end of the day is, or course, their parents!

Sheet 5 - How can the school save water?

A list of measures that can be taken to save water in the school. Some are behavioural and cost nothing. Others involve an outlay of money to update items which currently consume too much water. Spend a little to save a lot! Useful to focus the children's thinking when they are deciding what needs to be done.

Sheet 6 - Drink more water!

Linked to Activity Sheet 6 - 'Hydrate yourself!'

The importance of children drinking plenty of water during the school day has become an important issue recently. Although the Water School is primarily about water efficiency and saving water, another important message is that there are times when water should be freely used! The sheet provides a summary of the many reasons why children should drink plenty of tap water.

Sheet 7 - Rainwater harvesting

Linked to Activity Sheet 7 - 'Water for free!'

This looks at harvesting rainwater for many potential uses in the school. The technology is in its early stages but the importance of using rainwater collected from roofs will increasingly be seen, particularly with the national school rebuilding scheme giving the opportunity to build water harvesting into new school designs.

About the Activity Sheets

Sheet 1 - Graph drawing

Gives the pupils practice in constructing their own bar graphs based on water meter readings.

Sheet 2 - Where is all the water used?

A structured recording sheet on which pupils can note down the types and number of the water-consuming items as they carry out a survey around the school.

Sheet 3 - How much water?

Linked to Information Sheet 3 - 'How much water?'

Pupils work out the answers to a series of questions based on the data provided in the chart. Mathematical with an environmental slant!

Sheet 4 - Summary sheet

Used by the pupils to guide them through the process of writing a report on the current water use situation in the school for the 'Powers that be'! It is assumed that the pupils will have taken at least a week's water meter readings.

Sheet 5 - What is volume?

A range of containers of differing volume is required and should be collected ahead of lesson, preferably brought in by the children from home.

In this activity the pupils develop their understanding of volume, with particular reference to estimating and measuring the volume of liquids. The water is not wasted, part of the activity is to find a suitable use for it when the activity has been completed.

Sheet 6 - Hydrate yourself!

Linked to Information Sheet 6 - 'Drink more water!'

Children are challenged to design their own posters to encourage children to drink more water, particularly when they are in school. They use material on the information sheet to select the key points which they wish to use in their poster.

Sheet 7 - Water for free!

Linked to Information Sheet 7 - 'Rainwater harvesting'

Children decide on the best location for a water butt depending on the rain collection area and whether it will be convenient to use.

Sheet 8 - Keep topped up!

This activity sheet uses information which the pupils can find in the blue book in The Water School Library. Once they have found the missing words they then apply their knowledge and understanding by using the words again in a different context.

Sheet 9 - Saving water

The crossword is all about water conservation and pupils can use the red book in the water school library to find the required information. The crossword has clues and a word list provided. If you prefer to challenge more able pupils then simply cover over/remove the word list when you copy the printed out PDF.

Sheet 10 - Water Search

The pupils must find the missing words from the sentences before they can locate them in the wordssearch. The beige coloured book in The Water School Library contains all the information they need.

These are the missing words: